
Stamps Issues / Issue of Guinée postage stamps 2008-11-17

Issue Items: 38
Description: Nobel, Prix, Cinema

CINEMA - Cesar?タᆵ - Issue of Guinée postage stamps
GUINEA (Guinée) 2008
CINEMA – Cesar?タᆵ
Celebrities – Cinema / Celebrities – Cinema

cinema cesar gu0861 3750 3755 5982 5988
Cesar?タᆵ  Philippe Noiret, Romy Scheider - Issue of Guinée postage stamps
GUINEA (Guinée) 2008
Cesar?タᆵ Philippe Noiret, Romy Scheider
Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – All others

cesar philippe noiret romy scheider gu0861a 925 6027 bl 1601
CINEMA  Monster of Venice  - Issue of Guinée postage stamps
GUINEA (Guinée) 2008
CINEMA Monster of Venice
Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – All others

cinema monster of venice gu0862 3756 3761 6019 6024
Monster of Venice?タᆵ Juliette Binoche (Woody Allen) - Issue of Guinée postage stamps
GUINEA (Guinée) 2008
Monster of Venice?タᆵ Juliette Binoche (Woody Allen)
Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – French

monster of venice juliette binoche woody allen gu0862a 926 6033 bl 1607
Peter O?タルTool, Motorcycle (Kevin Costner ) - Issue of Guinée postage stamps
GUINEA (Guinée) 2008
Peter O?タルTool, Motorcycle (Kevin Costner )
Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – All others

peter o tool motorcycle kevin costner gu0863a 927 6031 bl 1605
CINEMA - Festival of Cannes - Issue of Guinée postage stamps
GUINEA (Guinée) 2008
CINEMA – Festival of Cannes
Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – All others

cinema festival of cannes gu0864 3768 3773 5977 5981
Festival of Cannes, George W.Bush Michael Moore - Issue of Guinée postage stamps
GUINEA (Guinée) 2008
Festival of Cannes, George W.Bush Michael Moore
Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – All others

festival of cannes george w bush michael moore gu0864a 928 6026 bl 1600
CINEMA  Oscars Nominations - Issue of Guinée postage stamps
GUINEA (Guinée) 2008
CINEMA Oscars Nominations
Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – All others

cinema oscars nominations gu0863 3762 3767 6007 6012
CINEMA  Bear of Berlin - Issue of Guinée postage stamps
GUINEA (Guinée) 2008
CINEMA Bear of Berlin
Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – All others

cinema bear of berlin gu0865 3774 3779 5971 5976
Bear of Berli, Tom Cruise, Magnolia (Henry Fonda) - Issue of Guinée postage stamps
GUINEA (Guinée) 2008
Bear of Berli, Tom Cruise, Magnolia (Henry Fonda)
Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – All others

bear of berli tom cruise magnolia henry fonda gu0865a 929 6025 bl 1599
PRIZE OF PULITZER  M.Mitchell, C.McCarthy, P.Roth, T.Williams, M.Monroe, H.Lee - Issue of Guinée postage stamps
GUINEA (Guinée) 2008
PRIZE OF PULITZER M.Mitchell, C.McCarthy, P.Roth, T.Williams, M.Monroe, H.Lee
Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – Marilyn Monroe

prize of pulitzer m mitchell c mccarthy p roth t williams m monroe h lee gu0866 3780 3785 6013 6018
John Steinbeck  ( E.Hemingway, W.Faulkner ) - Issue of Guinée postage stamps
GUINEA (Guinée) 2008
John Steinbeck ( E.Hemingway, W.Faulkner )
Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – All others

john steinbeck e hemingway w faulkner gu0866a 930 6032 bl 1606
GRAMMY AWARDS - B.Joil, L.Richie, M.Jackon, B.Streisand, J.Lennon, P.McCartney, Tina Turner, Whitney Houston - Issue of Guinée postage stamps
GUINEA (Guinée) 2008
GRAMMY AWARDS – B.Joil, L.Richie, M.Jackon, B.Streisand, J.Lennon, P.McCartney, Tina Turner, Whitney Houston
Music – Music Stars

grammy awards b joil l richie m jackon b streisand j lennon p mccartney tina turner whitney houston gu0867 3786 3791 6001 6006
Bono, Ella Fitzgerald  ( Eric Clapton ) - Issue of Guinée postage stamps
GUINEA (Guinée) 2008
Bono, Ella Fitzgerald ( Eric Clapton )
Music – Music Stars

bono ella fitzgerald eric clapton gu0867a 931 6030 bl 1604
EMMY AWARDSG.Clooney, J.Gandonlfini, H.Laurie, G.Anderson, M.Chiklis, P.Falk - Issue of Guinée postage stamps
GUINEA (Guinée) 2008
EMMY AWARDSG.Clooney, J.Gandonlfini, H.Laurie, G.Anderson, M.Chiklis, P.Falk
Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – All others

emmy awardsg clooney j gandonlfini h laurie g anderson m chiklis p falk gu0868 3792 3797 5989 5994
Barack Obama, K.Sutherland ( M.Fox, E.Lilly ) - Issue of Guinée postage stamps
GUINEA (Guinée) 2008
Barack Obama, K.Sutherland ( M.Fox, E.Lilly )
Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – Cinema

barack obama k sutherland m fox e lilly gu0868a 932 6028 bl 1602
GOLDEN GLOBE AWARDSAl Pacino, A.MacGraw, J.Nicolson, W.Goldberg, M.Douglas, S.Stone - Issue of Guinée postage stamps
GUINEA (Guinée) 2008
GOLDEN GLOBE AWARDSAl Pacino, A.MacGraw, J.Nicolson, W.Goldberg, M.Douglas, S.Stone
Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – All others

golden globe awardsal pacino a macgraw j nicolson w goldberg m douglas s stone gu0869 3798 3803 5995 6000
Charlton Hetson, Elephant ( Rocky, Doctor Jivago ) - Issue of Guinée postage stamps
GUINEA (Guinée) 2008
Charlton Hetson, Elephant ( Rocky, Doctor Jivago )
Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – All others / Fauna – Elephants / Fauna – All others

charlton hetson elephant rocky doctor jivago gu0869a 933 6029 bl 1603
NOBEL PRIZE OF PEACE - C.Hull, N.Mandela, A.Lutulli, W.Brandt, J.Carter, E.Wiesel, M.Gorbatchev - Issue of Guinée postage stamps
GUINEA (Guinée) 2008
NOBEL PRIZE OF PEACE – C.Hull, N.Mandela, A.Lutulli, W.Brandt, J.Carter, E.Wiesel, M.Gorbatchev
Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – Nelson Mandela

nobel prize of peace c hull n mandela a lutulli w brandt j carter e wiesel m gorbatchev gu0870 3804 3809 5943 5948
Henry Dunant, RED CROSS, ( K.J.Wojtyla & Lech Walesa ) - Issue of Guinée postage stamps
GUINEA (Guinée) 2008
Henry Dunant, RED CROSS, ( K.J.Wojtyla & Lech Walesa )
Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – All others / Medicine – Red cross

henry dunant red cross k j wojtyla lech walesa gu0870a 934 5967 bl 1595
FAMOUS FOOTBALL PLAYERS G.Weah, F.Canavaro, A. Chevtchenko, P.Nedved, Rivaldo, Z.Zidane - Issue of Guinée postage stamps
GUINEA (Guinée) 2008
FAMOUS FOOTBALL PLAYERS G.Weah, F.Canavaro, A. Chevtchenko, P.Nedved, Rivaldo, Z.Zidane
Sport – Football / Sport – Football / Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – French

famous football players g weah f canavaro a chevtchenko p nedved rivaldo z zidane gu0871 3810 3815 5901 5906
Kaka (Ronaldinho, Zinadine Zidane) - Issue of Guinée postage stamps
GUINEA (Guinée) 2008
Kaka (Ronaldinho, Zinadine Zidane)
Sport – Football / Sport – Football / Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – French

kaka ronaldinho zinadine zidane gu0871a 935 5907 bl 1589
NOBEL PRIZE OF LITERATURE F.Mistral, G.B.Shaw, P.Buck, S.Beckett, A.Camus, G.G.Marquez - Issue of Guinée postage stamps
GUINEA (Guinée) 2008
NOBEL PRIZE OF LITERATURE F.Mistral, G.B.Shaw, P.Buck, S.Beckett, A.Camus, G.G.Marquez
Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – French

nobel prize of literature f mistral g b shaw p buck s beckett a camus g g marquez gu0872 3816 3821 5949 5954
Sully Prudhomme, ship (R. Kippling, Panthera pardus, Python) - Issue of Guinée postage stamps
GUINEA (Guinée) 2008
Sully Prudhomme, ship (R. Kippling, Panthera pardus, Python)
Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – All others

sully prudhomme ship r kippling panthera pardus python gu0872a 936 5968 bl 1596
PRIZ INTERNATIONAL OF PEACE Pele, P.Picasso, P.Neruda, D.Shostakovich, B.Bartok, E.Herriot - Issue of Guinée postage stamps
GUINEA (Guinée) 2008
PRIZ INTERNATIONAL OF PEACE Pele, P.Picasso, P.Neruda, D.Shostakovich, B.Bartok, E.Herriot
Science / Science / Celebrities – All others / Russia

priz international of peace pele p picasso p neruda d shostakovich b bartok e herriot gu0873 3822 3827 5915 5920
Irene Joliot Curie (Charlie chaplin) - Issue of Guinée postage stamps
GUINEA (Guinée) 2008
Irene Joliot Curie (Charlie chaplin)
Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – All others

irene joliot curie charlie chaplin gu0873a 937 5921 bl 1591
NOBEL PRIZE OF PHYSIC J.Chadwick, E.O.Lawrence, L.Landu, D.Gabor, M.Kochiba, V.Ginzburg - Issue of Guinée postage stamps
GUINEA (Guinée) 2008
NOBEL PRIZE OF PHYSIC J.Chadwick, E.O.Lawrence, L.Landu, D.Gabor, M.Kochiba, V.Ginzburg
Science / Science / Space / Architecture

nobel prize of physic j chadwick e o lawrence l landu d gabor m kochiba v ginzburg gu0874 3828 3833 5961 5966
Congress of Solvay , Satellites ASTRO-E (Ernst Ruska) - Issue of Guinée postage stamps
GUINEA (Guinée) 2008
Congress of Solvay , Satellites ASTRO-E (Ernst Ruska)
Science / Science / Celebrities – All others

congress of solvay satellites astro e ernst ruska gu0874a 938 5970 bl 1598
FAMOUS CIRCUS ARTISTS & ILIUSONISTES    Houdin, G.Melies, H.Houdini, G.Majax, D,Copperfield, C.Fechner - Issue of Guinée postage stamps
GUINEA (Guinée) 2008
FAMOUS CIRCUS ARTISTS & ILIUSONISTES Houdin, G.Melies, H.Houdini, G.Majax, D,Copperfield, C.Fechner
Circus / Circus

famous circus artists iliusonistes houdin g melies h houdini g majax d copperfield c fechner gu0875 3834 3839 5908 5913
Carlos Vaquera ( Claudia Shiffer, D,Copperfield) - Issue of Guinée postage stamps
GUINEA (Guinée) 2008
Carlos Vaquera ( Claudia Shiffer, D,Copperfield)
Celebrities – All others

carlos vaquera claudia shiffer d copperfield gu0875a 939 5914 bl 1590
MEDAILE WINNERS   A.Weil, A.Connes, A.Beker, J.C.Fiels, V.Drinfeld, S.Donaldson, A.Okunkov - Issue of Guinée postage stamps
GUINEA (Guinée) 2008
MEDAILE WINNERS A.Weil, A.Connes, A.Beker, J.C.Fiels, V.Drinfeld, S.Donaldson, A.Okunkov
Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – All others

medaile winners a weil a connes a beker j c fiels v drinfeld s donaldson a okunkov gu0876 3840 3845 5922 5927
Laurent Scwartz, Butterflies ( David Mumford) - Issue of Guinée postage stamps
GUINEA (Guinée) 2008
Laurent Scwartz, Butterflies ( David Mumford)
Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – All others

laurent scwartz butterflies david mumford gu0876a 940 5940 bl 1592
NOBEL PRIZE OF MEDICINE & PHISIOLOGIEC.Golgi, T.Hunt Morgan, P.Rous, E.Ficher, A.Carlsson, A.Fire. - Issue of Guinée postage stamps
GUINEA (Guinée) 2008
NOBEL PRIZE OF MEDICINE & PHISIOLOGIEC.Golgi, T.Hunt Morgan, P.Rous, E.Ficher, A.Carlsson, A.Fire.
Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – All others / Medicine – All others

nobel prize of medicine phisiologiec golgi t hunt morgan p rous e ficher a carlsson a fire gu0877 3846 3851 5955 5960
Emil Adolf von Behring, Institut Karolinska (Sir A,Fleming) - Issue of Guinée postage stamps
GUINEA (Guinée) 2008
Emil Adolf von Behring, Institut Karolinska (Sir A,Fleming)
Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – All others

emil adolf von behring institut karolinska sir a fleming gu0877a 941 5969 bl 1597
PRIZE OF TURING A.Turing, A.Yao, A,Kay, P.Naur, F.Allen. - Issue of Guinée postage stamps
GUINEA (Guinée) 2008
PRIZE OF TURING A.Turing, A.Yao, A,Kay, P.Naur, F.Allen.
Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – All others / Architecture

prize of turing a turing a yao a kay p naur f allen gu0878 3852 3857 5934 5939
Alan Turing, Ivan Sutherland (Robot ASIMO) - Issue of Guinée postage stamps
GUINEA (Guinée) 2008
Alan Turing, Ivan Sutherland (Robot ASIMO)
Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – All others

alan turing ivan sutherland robot asimo gu0878a 942 5942 bl 1594
PRIZE OF SAKHAROV N.Mandela, T.Nasreen, A.Milinkevitch, A.Sakharov. - Issue of Guinée postage stamps
GUINEA (Guinée) 2008
PRIZE OF SAKHAROV N.Mandela, T.Nasreen, A.Milinkevitch, A.Sakharov.
Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – Nelson Mandela

prize of sakharov n mandela t nasreen a milinkevitch a sakharov gu0879 3858 3863 5928 5933
Andrei Sakharov (T.Nasreen, Nelson Mandela, A.Milinkevitch) - Issue of Guinée postage stamps
GUINEA (Guinée) 2008
Andrei Sakharov (T.Nasreen, Nelson Mandela, A.Milinkevitch)
Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – All others / Celebrities – Nelson Mandela

andrei sakharov t nasreen nelson mandela a milinkevitch gu0879a 943 5941 bl 1593